In my early twenties, before I even knew that I didn't have everything all figured out, I used to hang out with some great people. One of those i have kept in touch with, the others sort of drifted away on the breezes of their own lives. A few days ago I was wandering around on the internet. One thing googled to another, and suddenly I saw my own name, and right next to it one of my very best friends. I immediately clicked on it. That click brought me to a myspace page of an old and beloved friend.
During one summer the four of us would get together after whatever job it was that we had been working at. I think at one point all of us were employed at a cookie shop, and also at a newpaper where we pasted-up print onto poster to make it into the paper. ( Thats almost alliteration!) What fun days those were with our whole lives in front of us, so many diifferent possibilities and options. We hung out every night. We always had something good to drink or smoke. We would go out onto the roof of a little attic apartment and watch the stars and talk and laugh. We would listen to music too. We would spend hours and hours making up cassettes with all our favorite songs. Carefully placed, almost so that they told a story by their position and what they were about and who sang them.
My life is so different now. Things and circumstances have changed. I've had some really hard days, and some really happy ones too. Some things are just the same though. I still have a dull ache that comes from wanting to do more and be more. I want to be so much better then I am. I want to be the best parts of when I was younger and also the best parts of who I am now. I find myself stumbling through some days, dazed by lassitude and routine. Other days I'm blown away by my good fortune and possiblities. Such is the struggle of most Americans I imagine. Humans who are safe and have enough to eat, and places to work and come home to.
What a great thing to just stumble across someone who you know, and who you spent a lot of time with. How fun to go over the lost years and see where we have wound up!
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